Hi, I'm Jesse, a designer with a curious and inclusive mindset.

My core competencies as a designer are sparkling communication skills and endless curiosity combined with humbleness, openness, excellent communication skills, and enormous empathy. I like electronic music, cleaning and vegan food. My pronouns are he/him. If you have something to share feel free to reach out to me.
Here's what I am into and the stuff I have done
🤓 Professional passions
- Accessibility and inclusive design
- DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion)
- Advocating for humane and calm technology
- Speaking and performing
- Embracing efficient communication with a humorous flavor
🧘🏼♂️ Freetime things
- Yoga
- Creating & playing electronic music: Instagram, YouTube, SoundCloud
- Lifestyle Cyclist (fixed gear rider)
- Cleaning Content Creation #kiillotuspäivät, Master Cleaners Suomi
🏆 Honors & Awards
- Metropolia: Alumnus of The Year 2024
- Grafia: Junior of The Year 2023
- Grand One 2024: Best Usage of Data / K-Hyvinvointi & K-Ruoka App
- Grand One 2023: Best Usage of Data / K-Ruoka App
- Blue Arrow Awards: The Best Digital Service of the Year / VR Ticket Vending Machine
- Grand One 2020: Best Service Design / VR Ticket Vending Machine
- The Most Impressive Thesis 2017–2018
🛠 Project work related
🗣 Keynotes & Appearances
- Avaava: Building Accessible E-commerce, panel discussion
- #saavuta23: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusive Design, panel discussion
- Elisa: Inclusive Intersectional Design, keynote
- Nordea’s CX & Design Talks: Inclusive Intersectional Design, keynote
- Ornamo ry: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Designer’s Work, panel discussion
- Women in Tech Forum 2022: The Importance of a Diverse Team in Building Tech Solutions, panel discussion
- Inclusive Intersectional Design, webinar
- Monikanavainen saavutettavuus, webinar
- Profitable Service Design, webinar
- "Häiriötön teknologia nostaa inhimillisyyden keskiöön", Keynote at Teknologia19 Event
- Uuden sukupolven lipunmyyntiä VR:n digipalveluissa (starting from 4:32:30), #Saavuta2019 accessibility event
- Impactful Design, Helsinki Design Meetup
Written thougths
- Oh, baby, baby it’s a diverse world »
- How do you belong? Diving deeper into diversity, equity and inclusion »
- Can I have your undivided attention? »
- Metropolia's Alumnus of The Year 2024, news & interview
- MarkkinointiUutiset story – Vuoden Junior, spotlight story
- Metropolia story – Vuoden Junior, news
- MarkkinointiUutiset – Vuoden Junior, Vuoden Huiput, news
- Why Applying DEI Principles In Your Design Work Matters, blog post
- Four Approaches To Inclusive Design – How To Add Diversity, Equity And Inclusion To Your Day-To-Day, blog post
- Häiriötön teknologia suunnittelutyössä, thesis
- Vaikuttavin opinnäyte 2017-18, award for the most impressive thesis by Sytyke ry
- Häiriöttömyys herättelee teknologiayhteisöä, mutta kenellä on vastuu?, Also featured on Tivia News magazine
- Koukuttava teknologia vs. häiriötön teknologia - suunnittelijan näkökulma, a podcast episode based on my thesis
- Technology Is Wasting Our Time. Who Is Responsible For Calm Design?, blog post
- Häiriötön teknologia haastaa tapaamme suunnitella, blog post